Adley’s clients requested Adley enter the professional placement arena.
Management wishes they could take credit for the forward-thinking and planning of professional placement, but it honestly happened by circumstance. We had clients that were rebounding from a round of downsizing. They needed qualified engineers to ramp up but were just in too critical of a stage of projects to bring unknown persons aboard and gamble as to whether they had a good egg or rotten egg. Although we assured them our services were second to none, they wanted someone dedicated to them full time.
Above all, Adley is a licensed professional engineering firm, no matter in whose office the Adley employee is placed.
Our employees enjoy working in the Adley Services main office and would not work in the client’s office. Or would they? We realized that we just assumed and never asked. Some of our very talented employees enjoy being at the client’s facilities and offices. It is a chance to meet new faces, experience different points of view, and, frankly, get a change of scenery for a while. However, we are adamant not to become a staffing agency or recruiting company. So what would make Adley different? Well, the Adley difference is simple. In all things Adley does, we insist on quality and integrity. Adley professional placement would be no different. We began placing our engineers and other professionals directly with clients with a commitment to quality and support. We want to ensure that Adley employees, no matter where they are or what they are doing, have their peers’ encouragement and have their superiors’ reassurance. That’s the Adley difference.
Adley’s top quality is the product of a rigorous quality control program.
Adley’s quality control program is not a unilateral endeavor of risk management. We have employees at all stages of their careers. Some engineers are just exiting school with wide eyes of wonder, and others are at their twilight, eager to share. Yet all of Adley’s employees have a right to receive constructive criticism from their supervisor. The younger engineers began their Adley journey with the assurance of guidance and mentorship. Whether they are in the office next to the company president or working in a foreign land on another continent, Adley provides ample support to their young engineers. Beyond setting goals. The younger engineers receive detailed guidance from the experienced engineers to avoid common pitfalls for the neophytes.
One of Adley’s core values is that together everyone accomplishes more.
The experienced engineers will all agree there is nothing more valuable than a second set of eyes or an extra ear for a different perspective of a problem. Every engineer at Adley strives to be the best. Peer review of one’s work is necessary to set the bar. The work of the senior engineers, both inside and outside the office, is subject to peer review and comment. Likewise, every door is always open at Adley for a fellow worker who has questions or needs assistance, whether the senior engineer sits at Adley’s or a client’s desk.
Adley managers are responsible for their employees regardless of where they may roam.
These all lead to solving the main client complaint with the professional placement of engineers. No client wants to babysit its vendor’s employees. Nor do clients like rolling the dice at the table game of staffing agencies. When Adley places one of its employees at a client, they do so with the full support and supervision as if the employee was working in Adley’s headquarters. That is the Adley guarantee. That is the Adley difference.
“This door to remain unlocked.”
On a side note, many have asked if Adley is concerned about its employee leaving and going to work for a client directly. Adley has always believed that the lobby’s sign that says “This door to remain unlocked” means much more than a physical knob. All of our employees are free to leave and pursue other endeavors as they deem best for them. We always wish the best for our Adley family, whether during their time with us or after.